
The general consensus is that 2017 is going to be a terrible year for ticks in West Michigan. There are three common types of ticks in Michigan. Blacklegged Ticks (Deer Ticks), American Dog Ticks (Wood Ticks), and Lone Star Ticks. Ticks are commonly found in long grasses, brushes, wooded areas, leaf litter, etc.

If you happen to get bitten by a Michigan ticks, remember the following…remove ticks as quickly as possible. Using tweezers to grasp the head close to the skin and pulling gently. After removing the tick, use soap and water on the bite.

Bug repellent containing no more than 30 percent DEET can be used to prevent tick bites. Permethrin can be used on clothing as well.

Besides bug repellent, many homeowners choose to hire a contractor that provides a Tick Control service. Spraying for ticks is similar to spraying for mosquitoes. Contractors use backpack “foggers” to blow tick-killing products in the areas where ticks reside. Wood lines, tall grass areas, etc. are targeted first.

Make sure to see your doctor if you have any symptoms of fever, rash, fatigue, or body aches after you have been bitten. Ticks can carry a serious disease called Lyme Disease. Kent, Ottawa & Muskegon counties have a known risk for Lyme disease.

If you are in need of a Tick Control service, please contact AAA Lawn Care for more information.