
While everyone wants a clean and bright lawn, many people struggle with how exactly they can achieve this. From several different lawn treatments to different fertilizers, the root (yes, pun intended) of all beautiful lawns is water! Here we’ll discuss several different ways you can water your lawn to improve its appearance and make it healthy for years to come.


Lawn Watering

Proper watering is the most important ingredient in having a beautiful lawn. (Selecting AAA Lawn Care is a very close second!) Lawns that are watered properly have fewer problems with weeds, pesky insects, and diseases. A study from Michigan State University tested whether watering a lawn one or two times a week really made a difference. They found that as soil temperature increased with water, the structure of the turf became more shallow. In other words, a healthy turf may require daily watering in the summer.


How Much Is Required?

How much water your lawn requires fluctuates. Important factors to consider are temperature, sunshine, wind-speed, and recent rainfall. A sunny 85-degree day with 20 mph winds will take a lot of moisture out of your lawn. A cloudy 65-degree day with no sun will take much less. Consult with your local AAA Lawn Care expert to find the perfect balance of moisture for your lawn.


How Do I Get Started?

The best time to irrigate your lawn is just before sunrise so there is enough time for the water to soak into the soil before the sun evaporates it. Running your irrigation in the early morning also allows the sun to dry off the grass plants soon after watering. This will minimize many foliage diseases such as Red Thread, Leaf Spot, Dollar Spot, and Brown Patch. If watering in the evening is your only option, that’s certainly better than not watering at all. There are a few special cases where mid-day watering is suggested, especially with new lawns.


Want a healthy and strong lawn for years to come? Aerate your lawn with AAA Lawn Care today!

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