
Taking good care of your lawn is an essential part of being a property owner. Using tools and techniques that are good for the environment is an essential part of being a great steward of the earth. There are many things that you can do to care for your lawn and the environment at the same time. In fact, taking the eco-friendly lawn care route can actually be easier, cheaper, and can produce better results, than other, non-environmentally friendly ways.

Take a look at AAA Lawn Care’s top 5 environmentally friendly ways to care for your lawn, incorporating sustainable lawn maintenance and green lawn care tips for the best results.

1. Don’t Remove Cut Grass

After you mow your lawn, don’t clean up the cut grass. Leave it on top as a natural, harmless fertilizer for your yard, embodying eco-friendly lawn care practices. Cut grass will simply decompose into the soil and feed the soil, grass, and other plants with nutrients. By using your cut grass, you are actually eliminating the need for harmful, chemical fertilizers. When you simply leave your grass cuttings on the lawn, you are helping the environment and your yard, a key aspect of sustainable lawn maintenance.

2. Use Yard Waste and Compost for Fertilizer

For your grass, you’ll use grass cuttings as fertilizer, and for your garden, you’ll use yard waste and kitchen compost, aligning with eco-friendly lawn care methods. Making compost out of kitchen scraps is easy, eliminates food waste, and creates one of the most effective and environmentally friendly fertilizers out there, showcasing a practical green lawn care tip.

3. Aerate Your Soil

In order for your soil to be healthy, it needs oxygen. Core aeration is a type of lawn aeration where a lawn aerator with hollow tines mechanically removes plugs or “cores” of soil from a lawn. This then reduces soil compaction which then creates a channel through which oxygen, water, and nutrients can penetrate into the soil, a process integral to sustainable lawn maintenance. When you aerate your soil, you easily allow the earth to get the nutrients it needs without any harmful additives, a practice celebrated in green lawn care tips.

4. Water Better, Less Often

Every lawn needs water. The problem is, many people water their lawn on a schedule, using sprinklers and timers to water automatically. These techniques don’t do a great job of watering anything. In fact, they merely water the surface of the lawn and the water at the surface evaporates rapidly, which is not in line with eco-friendly lawn care practices.

In order to water your lawn effectively, set your sprinkler timer to come on three times a week in the middle of the night when it’s cooler and the soil is more absorbent. You’ll also want to set the sprinklers to run longer, to make sure they get a full, deep watering. Don’t worry about using too much water, as the deep watering is done less often, so it doesn’t use more water. This method supports sustainable lawn maintenance by conserving water while ensuring your lawn gets the moisture it needs.

5. Use AAA Lawn Care Earth Wise Organic Soil Conditioner

Earth Wise Soil Conditioner is basically a multi-vitamin for your lawn. It increases color response, reduces turf disease, improves root growth, minimizes the amount and frequency of maintenance needed, and it’s biodegradable! The special blend of nutrients ensures the health of your lawn, creating fewer weeds, fewer harmful insects, and helping it flourish. EarthWise Soil Conditioner from AAA Lawn Care should be a regular part of an eco-friendly lawn care routine, aligning with green lawn care tips.

In Conclusion With environmentally friendly tools and techniques, you can make sure your lawn looks great while helping the environment at the same time. Use natural fertilizers such as compost and grass cuttings, utilize helpful creatures and insects, water less often but more effectively, and use EarthWise Soil Conditioner. Not only will your lawn look great, you’ll be taking care of the earth, too, embodying the essence of eco-friendly lawn care, sustainable lawn maintenance, and green lawn care tips.


Ready to get your Michigan lawn ready for spring? Call AAA Lawn Care today!

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