
Having grubs in your lawn can be very frustrating.  Damage usually occurs quickly.  It’s unsightly.  Sometimes damage from grubs can be amplified by a hungry skunk peeling up your lawn to get a late night grub snack.  If your lawn has a grub infestation, solving the problem doesn’t have to be complicated.  Here is some helpful information to keep in mind…

#1  If you have active grubs damaging your lawn, have a curative grub control application applied immediately.  This application will kill the grubs and halt any further damage.  You will have to water this application in within 24 hours for it to be effective.

#2  Grub damage typically occurs during the Spring and Fall.  During the Summer, grubs take on the form of Japanese beetles or European Chaffers.  These beetles mate and lay eggs starting the next generation of grubs.

#3  If your lawn is showing signs of distress or is starting to turn brown in certain areas during the Spring or Fall, your lawn might have grubs.  Grab the turf by your hand and pull.  If the turf pulls away, look for grubs.  Grubs eat grass plant roots.  This allows the turf to pull away from the soil easily.

#4  Another tell tale sign is that flocks of starlings or other birds will peck into the soil in the distressed areas looking for grubs.  Look for pencil diameter holes in the soil from the bird’s probing beak.

#5  If you have grub damage or have neighbors who have a grub infestation, we high recommend a summer grub control application.  This application disrupts the grub life cycle and protects your lawn from grub infestations for a full year.

I hope this helps.  Always feel free to call our office if you suspect a grub problem and would like some help in identifying the issue or need help with control options.