
It’s no secret that mosquitos are an extreme annoyance, especially during the warmer months. From graduation parties to intimate family events, peak mosquito season typically runs from April through October and can wreak havoc on Michigan summers. Fortunately, this pesky problem can easily be stopped before things get out of hand. If you’re looking to stop mosquitos from ruining your summer activities, check out what it takes to create a mosquito-free backyard below.

Mosquito Control Application

To keep the mosquito population from getting out of hand in your yard, it’s suggested you hire a specialized technician to spray the area including surrounding woods, landscape plants, and bushes. Also, mosquito control programs with 5-6 scheduled applications are much more effective in keeping those pesky bugs at bay than just a one-time application.


Luckily, mosquito control spray is completely safe. Just shut windows and stay inside when you can while the application is occurring. This process may take a few hours. When done correctly, mosquito control spray will not harm people, pets, animals, or the environment. The spray also takes no preparation, so call AAA Lawn Care today and let one of our experienced technicians help you immediately!

Continued Protection

AAA Lawn Care’s program includes five to six applications spaced approximately 3 weeks apart. This is an excellent way to stay on top of your mosquito control throughout your summer season. Staying on top of your applications is key to keeping your lawn mosquito-free! Contact us today for the best mosquito control in West Michigan. 


Looking For Mosquito Control In West Michigan? Contact AAA Lawn Care today!

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