
With spring on the way, it’s time to start planning ahead for spring lawn preparation. Depending on the climate in your area, you might be looking at a weak and depleted lawn when the snow melts. Lying dormant under heaves of ice and snow for months on end can do some damage. The good news is that the damage caused by the winter cold and snow is not irreversible. But there are tasks that you need to complete in order to get your lawn ready for the spring season, which are critical spring lawn care steps. So let’s go over our five essential preparation plans, including spring lawn maintenance, that you must do before springtime.

1. Do A Big Spring Clean

When the snow melts, or even if you’re in an area without much snow, your lawn is likely going to be filled with debris. Leaves and twigs will be scattered all over the place. While using a rake can come in handy, it’s recommended to use an air blower. You don’t want this debris to get stuck in your mower when it comes time to cut the grass. This can cause blockage and your mower won’t be able to spread fertilizer as easily and as effectively. This step is crucial for spring lawn preparation and ensures your lawn is ready for the next steps in spring lawn maintenance.

2. Fertilizer Pre-Emergent And Weed Killer Are Your Friends

As soon as spring hits, and you’re sure that no more snow is going to come, start applying fertilizer all over your lawn. The fertilizer will feed your grass, and then you can apply a pre-emergent/weed killer solution that will help prevent crabgrass. This is the best way to achieve a healthy lawn and ensure no crabgrass growth. The idea is to get rid of it before it even appears. If you start to get crabgrass it’ll be a seasonal battle. Applying these products is among the key spring lawn care steps to prevent unwanted weeds and promote healthy growth.

3. Mow Your Lawn ASAP

A common misconception when it comes to lawn care is that you need to wait until the grass is long before you begin cutting it. This is false. If you do that, you will stunt the roots and your grass won’t be able to grow as quickly and as healthy as it should. Jump on it right away. Even if it doesn’t look like your lawn needs a mow, give it one anyway. Do this every five days or so for the first six weeks of spring and you’ll be looking at a much healthier lawn. Regular mowing is an essential aspect of spring lawn maintenance and helps in the overall spring lawn care steps for achieving a lush, healthy lawn.

4. Trim Your Trees

Check all of the trees that are hanging over your property as part of your spring lawn preparation. It can be hard to tell if you have dead branches unless you check. If you leave any unattended, you could be looking at a potential injury or a mess in your lawn, affecting your spring lawn maintenance efforts. If you don’t feel safe trimming the trees yourself, consider hiring a professional who can come over and ensure that your lawn is as safe as possible, following essential spring lawn care steps.

5. Replace Your Mulch

Caring for your beds is a priority as well when it comes to the spring season. You need to edge out your beds and cut dead branches from your shrubs as well as replace the mulch, which are key spring lawn care steps. A heavy hardwood bark mulch is recommended as it looks nice and lasts longer than other types, contributing to your spring lawn maintenance. Spring will be here before you know it, so don’t wait. Get ahead of the game and ensure that your lawn looks as healthy as it can, completing your spring lawn preparation.

Ready to get your Michigan lawn ready for spring? Call AAA Lawn Care today!

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